Tournament List

Payment due to guarantee your spot if not sold out:   Friday, November 1st
Final Deadline to enter if not sold out:  12pm  Monday, Nov 4th
Schedule posted by:  Tuesday @ Noon

Locations:  Mistlin Fields Ripon and BLD Manteca 

Bat Bros 8u
East Bay Legends 8u
Elite Baseball Cordell 8u
Brentwood Blast Martin 8u
4 Teams. 
DWC Elite 11u
San Ramon Gators 11u
Brentwood Blast 11u
West Coast Federals Red 11u 
West Coast Federals Blue 11u
Performance Advantage Elite 11u 
Bulldog Baseball Club 11u 
East Bay Legends 11u 
Brentwood Bruins 11u
STAK 11u 
Hype Baseball 10u playing up
Neptune Beach Pearl 11u
TV Tigers Black 11u
NorCal CGE 10u playing up 
FSB 11u
*15 Teams. 
Kern Crush 12u
West Coast Federals Red 12u
Isotopes 2025 12u 
Beasts 12u 
Oakland Wildcats 12u
Aptos Aces 12u 
TV Tigers Orange 12u
NorCal CGE 12u 
Nines Blue 12u 
Livermore Gladiators 12u 
FSB 12u
*11 Teams.

Bulldogs Black 13u 
Neptune Beach Pearl 13u
Wow Factor NorCal 13u 
Valley Prime Black 13u  
The District 13u 
The District 2025 13u 
East Bay Legends 13u
Hit Club Orange 13u  Reg. with USSSA
Tribe 13u 
Downtown Baseball 13u
Club All Star White 13u
USA Prime White 13u 
TV Tigers Orange 13u
NC Valley 13u

*14 Teams. 
Neptune Beach Pearl 14u
Delta Breeze 14u 
Peloteros 13u playing up
Hit Club Orange 14u  Reg. with USSSA
NorCal CGE 14u 
Los Amigos 14u
TV Tigers Orange 14u
Ceres Blaze 14u 
FSB Red 14u
BBT Black 14u
BBT Grey 14u 
*11 Teams. 
 15u/ 16u 
Delta Breeze 16u
CV Eagles 16u 
Peloteros 2028 16u 
Peloteros 2027 16u
Salinas Valley Padres 16u 
MOB 16u
NorCal Hit Squad Black 16u 
*7 Teams. 
Wow Factor Nation 18u 
Peloteros 18u
Ricky Farms 18u 
TABU 18u
TV Tigers National 18u
Sigma Prime 18u 
*6 Teams.  FULL

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